123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more

11:26am 05-08-2024
...é, aparentemente
Provavelmente vou mudar isso pro "extras", ja q vai entrar em modo 'apenas-ler'
Vou ver se tem algum outro site q faça isso, pq eu n sei realmente como fazer algo parecido por mim mesmo

Caso alguém do futuro venha ver isso aqui, mandem mensagem pelo Neocities User Page

If Anyone from the future is seeing this, send your messages thru Neocities User Pageinstead
1:43pm 05-06-2024
Tv Betinho
Aff, 123GuestBook vai ser encerrado?
5:34pm 04-12-2024
jaki kurwa cwel
2:33pm 03-16-2024
Noice website skull! Sry i just noticed it :0
4:38am 03-14-2024
Ofc and no worries! My site is https://shroomite.neocities.org , feel free to add it
5:15pm 03-03-2024
Hi! Sorry for the late response, but thank you so much! If you wouldn't mind sharing your own website, I'd be glad to add yours as well! (as soon as I get a button page working )
4:18am 01-11-2024
Hi! I really like your site, it's pretty and it deserves more attention 👁️👁️ I put your little button on my site ^^
3:55pm 01-09-2024
No this one, no.
That's reserved for a future website, Skull's Back Alley
1:40pm 01-08-2024
drug guy
Does this website sell drugs?
9:59pm 01-06-2024
Welcome to the Guest Book!
If you got anything you wanna say, be it about the website or not, you can post it in here! I look forward to seeing you guys' comments!